Friday, August 18, 2017

Women’s Travel Guide for Additional Safety

Women’s Travel Guide for Additional SafetyWhether it is for business or pleasure, you will seethat more and more women are now traveling all overthe world. Although this may seem like a good thing,you have to remember that in other parts of the world,women are viewed as weak and are unable to defendthemselves. This is why you have to remember that whentraveling, safety first should always be on top ofother things.So, here are some tips that women can use in order tohave a much more enjoyable and also much safer tripwhenever they travel abroad.The first tip is that you should always do yourresearch first on the country you plan on travelingto. You have to remember that not all countries arethe same in regards to culture. Some countries areculturally conservative and will have dress codes thateveryone should follow.

Always familiarize yourself onthe laws and customs of the place you wish to go to.Remember that ignorance of the law excuses no one evenif you are a tourist.A very good example would be Saudi Arabia. If youtravel here, you have to remember that tourists hereand even women were apprehended by the police forimproper dresses. You have to remember that Islamicnations tend to be very conservative especially aroundwomen. So, never ever do obscene postures whentraveling to unknown places. In fact, in somecountries, it is even illegal to invite people of theopposite sex in your hotel room. And, only marriedcouples are allowed to stay in the same hotel room.Although fashion may always be important for you as itreally does make a statement, you have to rememberthat what may be casual wear for you may be seen asprovocative or inappropriate in other countries.Always remember that you can never go wrong with jeansand t-shirt that covers most of your body. Also, theseclothes are better option than skirts if you need torun or defend yourself.Whenever traveling, it is always a good idea to blendin with the public. Try buying a local dress and wearit to give other people the impression that you are alocal and is familiar with the country.If you want a more secure way whenever you are gettingaround the country, always arm yourself. Today, youwill see a lot of safety devices available for sale inthe market and can be brought along legally. Anexample would be pepper sprays, where if sprayed onthe assailant’s face, it will temporarily blind themand also disable them for 5 to 6 minutes, which isenough for you to run away and get help. You can alsotry getting a stun gun which has an electrostaticvoltage charge. This safety device will indeed giveyour assailant a shock of his or her life and weakentheir muscles.Whenever traveling in unfamiliar surroundings, alwaysbe alert. It is recommended that you should nevercarry your wallet in your back pocket. Always carry itin the front or side pockets and keep your hands inthere. You have to remember that some places arenotorious for pickpockets and there are even placeswhere children working with adults can slash yourpants with a blade and get the contents of thatpocket. Always be cautious.These are some of the safety tips that you shouldremember whenever you travel. You have to rememberthat as a woman, you will be much more vulnerable toattacks. By always planning ahead, you can be surethat you will be able to have a more enjoyablevacation. Whenever you plan your holiday, you need toremember that safety should always be first whentraveling.

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